Sparky Linux 4.6 STB is available now with Debian 9 base

The Sparky Linux team has announced availability of Sparky Linux 4.6 STB, an updated release of Debian based, out of the box ready to use operating system with slightly tweaked desktop environments.

Sparky Linux 4.6 STB is first release of project based on recently announced Debian 9 Stretch. This release includes Sparky Home edition and Sparky Minimal editions. Sparky Home editions provides out of the box experience with two different desktop environments, LXDE and Xfce. While, Sparky Minimal CLI and Minimal GUI editions comes with minimal set of applications so that people can later install applications of their choice using advanced Sparky installer.

Following are some of the key highlights of Sparky Linux 4.6 in comparison with previous stable release, Sparky 4.5.
  • full system upgrade from Debian 9 stable repos as of June 19, 2017
  • Linux kernel 4.9.30 as default (4.10.x and 4.11.x available in Sparky ‘unstable’ repo)
  • added new repo (not active):
  • deep cleaning from old packages and files of older releases
  • email client Icedove replaced by Thunderbird
  • changed http to https protocol of all Sparky services, including repository; updating the ‘sparky-apt’ package fixes it automatically
  • new theme “Sparky5” which fixes look of gtk+ based applications
  • added two new live system boot options:
    - toram – lets you load the whole live system into RAM memory (if you have enough);
    - text mode – if any problem with normal or failsafe boot, this option runs sparky in text mode and lets you install it using the advanced installer
  • new tool for checking and displaying notification on your desktop about available updates
  • Calamares 3.1 as default installer
For more details and download links, see original release announcement published in Sparky Linux blog.

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