Linux Lite 4.0 Diamond released with fresh icon theme, Timeshift backup tool & more

The Linux Lite project has announced the availability of Linux Lite 4.0, latest stable release from Ubuntu based, lightweight GNU/Linux distribution offering a pleasant desktop experience with a fairly tweaked Xfce Desktop environment. This release marks the beginning of the 4.x series.

The main highlights of Linux Lite 4.0 release includes a fresh icon theme, inclusion of Timeshift backup tool, shotwell image manager, and other Linux Lite specific applications like Lite Desktop, Lite Sounds, redesigned splash screen ..etc
  • Faenza icons were dropped as it had not been maintained in some time (albeit there is a fork) and the same for the Arc theme, development seems to have stalled there. Most of our approach to theming in Series 4.x follows the popular Flat design focus. We also now use the Openzone mouse theme.
  • Lite Desktop is a convenient way for you to get to frequently accessed locations on your computer.
  • The help manual has been majorly updated. All content and images have been updated. This was a massive undertaking (nearly 3 weeks of continuous full time work), so please take advantage of our easy to follow guide.
  • For the first time in Linux Lite we now have working system sounds. Head to Menu, Settings, Lite Sounds and configure sounds the way you want. By default, the start up and log out sounds are enabled by default, the rest of the system sounds are disabled by default. To enable system wide sounds, simply click on the Enable System Sounds button at the top. There is still some work to do here, but this is a great start.
  • Timeshift replaces Systemback for system backups. If you intent to use Timeshift you should have at least a 125gb HDD/SSD or larger storage device to accommodate up to 5 snapshots. 
For more information, see Linux Lite 4.0 release announcement published in project's forums. You can also refer our gallery page to learn more about Linux Lite.

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