Linux Mint 19 BETA is scheduled to release on 4th June, final release will arrive on June end

In latest news letter (May 2018), Linux Mint team has shared plan for upcoming Linux Mint 19 release. The Linux Mint 19 BETA is scheduled to release on 4th June and after the beta testing, the final release will be shipped by the end of June.
All 3 editions of Linux Mint 19 (Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce) are currently in QA. The various bugs which were found were fixed and we’re expecting them to pass QA tomorrow. We’re planning the BETA release for Monday the 4th.

We hope you’ll enjoy testing these BETAs and we look forward to receiving your feedback.

The BETA phase for Mint 19 will be longer than usual, with a stable release planned for the end of June. A lot of code was ported to python3, gksu was removed and replaced with pkexec, MATE now supports HiDPI automatically, we’re using a brand new package base, the theme engine in GTK 3.22 is very different than in GTK 3.18 and might cause a few issues in Mint-X, and we’ve switched to Mint-Y and its new set of icons so we’re expecting many little bugs and paper cuts.
You can read the official news letter in Linux Mint blog. You can also read about Linux Mint in our gallery.

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