OpenSourceFeed : Weekly News Feed 21

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Hello World with Turtle Graphics in Python

09/12/2015 10:26 PM
An article written by Mr Don Watkins introduces some basic aspects of Turtle graphic, an older graphics framework, which was initially a part of logo language. In this article, Mr Don also illustrates, writing…

Pinguy OS 14.04.3 Updated with EFI Support

09/11/2015 11:14 PM
Pinguy OS team announced availability of Pinguy OS 14.04.3 with EFI support. This is a quick update and has no major change from previous release, other than updated software packages. According to official announcement,…

5 Great GNU/Linux Operating System

09/10/2015 10:51 PM
If you’re a regular open source enthusiast, it is highly probable that you’re using Ubuntu. If so, have you thought of other possible alternatives? It is not only about other popular independent operating systems…

Manjaro XFCE 15.09 RC2 Released

09/10/2015 10:30 PM
Manjaro team announced release of Manjaro XFCE 15.02 RC2, latest development release of upcoming stable Manjaro distribution featuring XFCE desktop. Beginning from this release, Manjaro team has decided to focus their attention mostly on…

Peppermint 6 Respin Released with UEFI Support

09/08/2015 12:33 AM
Peppermint team announced release of Peppermint 6 respin, with completed UEFI/GPT/Secure boot support. This release is only available for 64 bit platform. Peppermint is a Ubuntu based GNU/Linux distribution that tries to combine power…

HandyLinux 2.2 Released

09/06/2015 11:52 PM
HandyLinux developers announced availability of HandyLinux 2.2, latest stable release of Debian based light weight GNU/Linux distribution featuring XFCE as default desktop environment. This simple, good looking GNU/Linux distribution is originated from France. HandyLinux…

Accessing GNU/Linux File System in Windows

09/06/2015 01:23 PM
When you dual boot into both windows and GNU/Linux, often you may need to access windows files in GNU/Linux and GNU/Linux files in windows as well. Accessing windows files in GNU/Linux is not a…

Debian 8.2, Updated ‘Jessy’ Released

09/06/2015 01:10 PM
Debian team announced release of Debian 8.2, second update for Debian 8.x series. Debian is one of the oldest GNU/Linux which is also known as ‘The Universal Operating System’. Debian 8.2 ‘Jessy’ includes a…

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