Devuan 2.0 ASCII release candidate is available with multiple installation options

The Devuan community has announced the release of Devuan 2.0 ASCII release candidate, latest development release of Debian without systemd. The final release will be released in near future. The main highlight of this release is ability to choose from a variety of desktop environments including XFCE, KDE, MATE, Cinnamon, LXQT. The installer also provides console productivity option with hundreds of preconfigured tools and a minimal installation option.

We are happy to announce that the Devuan 2.0 ASCII Release Candidate is now available thanks to the support, feedback, and collaboration of the Devuan community. Devuan 2.0 ASCII Stable will be following soon.

The Devuan 2.0 ASCII RC installer now offers a wider variety of Desktop Environmentsincluding XFCE, KDE, MATE, Cinnamon, LXQT (with others available post-install).  In addition, there are options for "Console productivity" with hundreds of CLI and TUI utils,as well as a minimal base system ideal for servers.

When installing from ISO, the expert install option offers a choice of SysVinit and OpenRC. Official ready-to-use Devuan 2.0 ASCII RC images are available for dozens of ARM boardsand SOCs, including Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, OrangePi, BananaPi, OLinuXino, Cubieboard, Nokia N900, and several Chromebooks, as well as for Virtualbox/QEMU/Vagrant.
For more information and discussions, see release announcement in Devuan Forums.

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