Celeberating 10th anniversary, Calculate Linux 17.6 released

Marking the 10th anniversary of project, Calculate Linux team has announced release of Calculate Linux 17.6, latest stable release of Gentoo based GNU/Linux distribution.

The Calculate Linux project was started on 2007. It was when Calculate decided to open source their custom GNU/Linux distribution. The first public version of Calculate Linux was 7.6 where version number stands for year and month of release. Now, the project has completed 10 years since it's first public release.

Courtesy : Calculate Linux
Some of the key highlights of Calculate Linux 17.6 includes installation in LXC/LXD containers, theme customization, more stability with automagic dependencies support, better security as editing the kernel params now requires a password and system update can be only performed by users authorized to do so. Other highlights are:
  • Calculate gets a new flavour, "Calculate Linux Container", to be installed on a LXC/LXD virtual machine.
  • No default password is provided on a newly installed system. Instead, a user password is prompted for at installation time.
  • You can manage access priveleges via Calculate Console. For instance, a user may only have access to updates if the admin chooses so.
  • Kernel configuration now can be protected by a password.
  • The 'sudo' group was added for sudo authentication.
  • Autopartition is the default partition scheme when installing from a Live USB.
  • A bios_boot partition is not created automatically for UEFI installations.
  • If the UEFI parameters have not changed, the UEFI boot record will not be overwritten.
  • Building-only dependencies are not included in the distribution.
For more information and screenshots, see release announcement in Calculate LInux blog.

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