Bodhi Linux 3.2.0 Released

The Bodhi Linux project announced release of Bodhi Linux 3.2.0, latest and final scheduled update to Bodhi Linux 3.x series. Existing Bodhi Linux 3.x users can directly update their system using regular means of system update. While this release will help new users to install latest packages instead of installing an older version and updating their system all the way.

According to official release announcement, following are highlights of this release.
  • Moksha Desktop 0.2.0 is here by default
  • Linux Kernel 4.2 for improved hardware support
  • Multi-Language support for the Installer Again
  • Improved UEFI Support
  • A number of small improvements / bug fixes to the default Radiance Theme
  • LibreOffice 5.1 (in the AppPack releases)
See complete release announcement in Bodhi Linux blog.

Download Bodhi Linux 3.2.0

32 Bit
Standard Release: Download | TorrentMD5
AppPack Release: Download | TorrentMd5

64 Bit
Standard Release: Download | TorrentMD5
AppPack Release: Download | TorrentMd5
Standard Release: Download | TorrentMD5

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