LibreOffice 5.0 Released : A Different Office Suite

The Document Foundation announced release of LibreOffice 5.0, the latest stable release of world's most widely used open source office suite. LibreOffice 5.0 is tenth major release after the establishment of project. It is expected that, this release will be a milestone in the history of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice 5.0 provides support for Windows 10, latest release of microsoft windows. Moreover it's ability to work in different platforms like Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X is a uniquely identifiable feature. 

According to release announcement, following are few major features of LibreOffice 5.0.
A new version for new endeavours: LibreOffice 5.0 is the cornerstone of the mobile clients on Android and Ubuntu Touch, as well as the upcoming cloud version. As such, LibreOffice 5.0 serves as the foundation of current developments and is a great platform to extend, innovate and collaborate!
A beautiful office suite designed by a fantastic community: With new icons and major improvements to menus and sidebar, LibreOffice looks nicer and helps users in being creative and getting things done the right way. In addition, style management is now more intuitive thanks to the visual preview of styles right in the interface.
Spreadsheets that rock: LibreOffice 5.0 ships with an impressive number of new and enhanced spreadsheet features: complex formulae, new functions, conditional formatting, image cropping, table addressing and much more. Calc’s blend of performance and features makes it an enterprise-ready, heavy duty spreadsheet capable of handling all kinds of workload for an impressive range of use cases.
Better filters for better documents: LibreOffice 5 ships with many improvements to document import and export filters, for an enhanced document conversion 

A detailed list of new features introduced in LibreOffice 5.0 can be found here.

Download LibreOffice 5.0


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