SparkyLinux 4.2 Special Editions Released

The SparkyLinux team announced release of SparkyLinux 4.2 Special Editions. This includes GameOver-The gaming distribution, Rescue and multimedia editions. These releases are based on SparkyLinux 4.2 and is completely compatible Debian testing 'Stretch'.

According to official release announcement, following are common changes made in these releases.
  • full system upgrade from Debian testing repository as of December 25, 2015
  • Linux kernel 4.3.0
  • 32 bit iso images features the Linux kernel i686 (non-pae) now
  • libc6 2.21
  • gcc 5.3.1 (gcc 4.9 removed from the system)
  • APT 1.1.5
  • Wine 1.8
  • removed all old Sparky wallpapers from the live iso images, and the default wallpapers has been slightly modified, depends of a Sparky edition
Read complete release announcement in SparkyLinux website.

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