Kdenlive 15.04.0 Released

Kdenlive team announced release of Kdenlive 15.04.0. Kdenlive is a free and open source video editor for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and BSD operating systems.

According to release announcement:
The Kdenlive team is happy to announce the release of Kdenlive 15.04.0. While there are very few new features in this release, it is a huge step towards a bright future!
By this release, Kdenlive has become a part of official KDE Applications, which will provide a lot of opportunities for this free and open source project.

Some the advantages for Kdenlive, by being a part of official KDE Applications includes
  • We fully benefit from KDE's infrastructure, which means less worries for the developpers.
  • We stick to KDE Applications release schedule, which means one bugfix release every month, one feature improved version every 4 months. That's a big change from the previous random release every year or so. This is possible because the KDE team takes care of the release, not our small dev team, so a big thank you to KDE.
  • We now use KDE's bugtacker at https://bugs.kde.org.
  • We benefit from KDE's build servers and team, which means that we might in the future have Mac OS and Windows versions without too much efforts from the dev team.
  • We can now be part of the Google Summer Of Code.
  • We have adopted the KDE Applications numbering scheme. From now on, Kdenlive versions will be numbered with Year.Month.Bugfix. That explains the 15.04.0 version.
  • Every KDE contributor can help us improve Kdenlive.
For more information, read official release announcement.

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