TDF announces LibreOffice 5.4.7, last minor release in 5.4.x series

The Document Foundation (TDF) has announced the release of LibreOffice 5.4.7, final minor release in LibreOffice 5.4.x family. This series is currently targeting main stream users and enterprise environments where stability and consistency is main concern. Towards this, LibreOffice 5.4.7 includes fixes for over 60 minor and major issues.

In addition to the 32 bit releases, LibreOffice 5.4.7 also introduces 64 bit release for Windows. This will require Windows Vista or later. While, the 32 bit release can run even on Windows XP. LibreOffice 5.4.7 will be the final release that support Windows XP. LibreOffice 5.4.x enables users to install both LibreOffice 5.3 and 5.4 simultaneously, while in Windows, 5.4 will replace the 5.3 installation if it already exists.
The main issues fixed in LibreOffice 5.4.3 can be summarized as:
  • coverity#982189 backward heading search doesn't always work [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#6656 1 isn't a good flag for all elements filled [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#6827 bad-cast [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#6999 check available data len [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#7043 already registered [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#7063 ensure lifecycle [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#7109 infinite regress [Caolán McNamara]
  • ofz#7121 NamedDBs::insert takes ownership of its argument [Eike Rathke]
  • ofz#7165 set a recursion limit for svm in svm [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#71339 EDITING sigma icon (sum function) operating on selected range [Eike Rathke]
  • tdf#90627 Saving presentation results in invalid PPTX file [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#91106 1st Hierarchical level in Styles and Formatting is not alphabetically sorted [Michael Stahl]
  • tdf#104792 FILESAVE: PPTX: Corrupted File after RT (The element has incomplete child element) [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#106746 copy/pasting revisions copy deleted words [Aron Budea]
  • tdf#107094 Backward Search of Headings with Navigation Bar Does not Work Always [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#112997 Viewing: only a single of multiple animated gif is rendered [Noel Grandin]
  • tdf#115407 Impress loses transition sounds and sound instructions [Julien Nabet]
  • tdf#115539 "Start Slideshow" does not hide notebookbar when in Outline and SlideSorter mode [Xisco Fauli]
  • tdf#115795 "Get Online Help" under zh-tw locale would be redirected to zh-cn forum [Franklin Weng]
  • tdf#115853 Custom properties deleted [Julien Nabet]
  • tdf#116101 Bullets in bulleted list with proportion >100% appear off [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#116163 PPTX: Chart labels are too long [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#116215 Sum button: Calc adds wrong sum formulas if you select more than one row or column [Eike Rathke]
  • tdf#116238 Notebookbar stays visible during slide show when started from Slides pane [Xisco Fauli]
  • tdf#116324 Nested IF(IF( without Else path yields #VALUE! [Eike Rathke]
  • tdf#116474 Undo/redo: The redo of adding caption to an image isn't working: no image [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#116536 FILEOPEN: Bullets are higher than the text [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#116544 EDITING: Inserting Photo Album that includes .MOV causes Crash [Caolán McNamara]
  • bnc#778133 sw: handle cell background for BACKGROUND_PARA_OVER_DRAWINGS [Miklos Vajna]
  • ofz#7648 bad-cast [Caolán McNamara]
  • redmine#2585 update credits [Christian Lohmaier]
  • rhbz#1283420 message box fonts corrupted in libreoffice [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#84205 FILESAVE: Theme Colors inverted in drawings after PPTX roundtrip (black part turned to white) [Szymon Kłos]
  • tdf#100925 When overwriting a cell, new content is displayed on top of the old content until finishing the edit [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#115719 DOCX import: lack of Word 2013-style increased spacing for paragraph with anchored objects [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116410 FILEOPEN DOCX: First paragraph has wrong top margin (space before) [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116830 DOCX import: table cell background is behind background shapes [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116925 Automatic text color in textbox does not consider fill style of shape [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116976 DOCX import: bitmap does not consume its relative size [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116985 DOCX import, shape with textbox: incorrect text area size when shape size is relative [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#116999 Libreoffice command line interface is not opening cgm files [Caolán McNamara]
  • tdf#117028 DOCX import: textbox of shape lacks its transparent background [Miklos Vajna]
  • tdf#117039 Print Preview crashes on signed document [Katarina Behrens]
  • tdf#117268 FILEOPEN: RTF: parser dont draw tables correctly [Mike Kaganski]
For more details and download links, see LibreOffice 5.4.7 release announcement published in The Document Foundation blog.

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