Debian for mobile devices is getting ready

During recently held Debian annual conference, DebConf 2017 in Montreal, Canada, more than 50 people were gathered to discuss about the future and challenges of Debian for mobile devices. There is an active team of volunteers who are involved in efforts to make Debian working on wide range of mobile devices.

During the DebConf17, a number of mobile devices were shown as a proof of Debian working on mobile platforms. These devices includes:
  • PocketCHIP: A very small handheld computer with keyboard, Wi-Fi, USB, and Bluetooth, running Debian 8 (Jessie) or 9 (Stretch).
  • Pyra: A modular handheld computer with a touchscreen, gaming controls, Wi-Fi, keyboard, multiple USB ports and SD card slots, and an optional modem for either Europe or the USA. It will come preinstalled with Debian.
  • Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G: An Android smartphone featuring a physical keyboard, which can already run portions of Debian userspace on the Android kernel. Kernel upstreaming is on the way.
  • ZeroPhone: An open-source smartphone based on Raspberry Pi Zero, with a small screen, classic telephone keypad and hardware switches for telephony, Wi-Fi, and the microphone. It is running Debian-based Raspbian OS.
In an official blog post, Debian has shared a photo of various devices supporting Debian operating system.
The photo (click to enlarge) shows all four devices, together with a Nokia N900, which was the first Linux-based smartphone by Nokia, running Debian-based Maemo and a completely unrelated Gnuk cryptographic token, which just sneaked into the setting.
You may follow the progress of Debian for mobile devices on following channels,

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