Manjaro 17.1.7 celebrates the diversity with 12 preconfigured images

The Manjaro Linux has achieved a lot within a short span of time. It is a distribution that makes the geeky Arch Linux accessible for the masses who don't know or don't want to play with the messiness of Arch. Manjaro distributions are well known for providing a reliable experience for it's user ranging from absolute beginners to experts. Now, there is one more reason to choose Manjaro as your default operating system. The latest release of Manjaro, Manjaro 17.1.7 provides 12 preconfigure images to install the operating system.

When Arch provides the base installation image and asks the users to install packages as per their requirements, Manjaro provides several preconfigured editions to attract users from diverse backgrounds. Each Manjaro edition features a desktop environment and provides a set of applications to satisfy users basic needs. Some of the editions are officially maintained by Manjaro team itself, while some other editions are maintained by the community members. Instead of providing a vanilla desktop experience, most of the Manjaro editions will be shipped with a branded theme and icons.

A preview of Manjaro Editions (Courtesy : Manjaro Project)

Manjaro Official Editions.

Manjaro team officially supports are maintains 3 different flavors, Xfce Edition, Plasma Edition and GNOME Edition.

Manjaro Xfce Edition - As the name indicates, Manjaro Xfce edition features lightweight, yet versatile desktop environment. It is mainly developed for old and low resource machines, while it works well on latest machines also. The Manjaro Xfce edition ships Xfce desktop without compromising the visual aesthetics and user experience.

KDE Edition - This edition features KDE Plasma desktop environment and provides a modern user experience. While very user-friendly and certainly flashy, KDE is also quite resource heavy and noticably slower to start and use than a desktop environment such as XFCE.

GNOME Edition - This is a new member in official manjaro flavors. It features GNOME shell with several applications and tools.

Manjaro Community Editions

In addition to the official editions, there are some manjaro editions maintained by the community. Depending on the interest of users and availability of resources to work with, some of these editions provides regular updated images while some other provides updated images in a while. At the moment, all of these flavors provides Manjaro 17.1.7 images.

The manjaro community flavors can be listed as follows:
  • Awesome
  • Bspwm
  • Budgie
  • Cinnamon
  • Deepin
  • I3
  • Lxde
  • Mate
In addition to these 11 flavors, Manjaro also provides a special image called Manjaro-Architect. It helps you to install the operating system as you wish.

Download Manjaro 17.1.7

You can download Manjaro 17.1.7 images from project's official download page or from new download partner - OSDN.

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