SparkyLinux 4.8 RC released, final release will come on mid of May

The SparkyLinux team has announced the availability of SparkyLinux 4.8 RC, latest development release in project's 4.x series. The final release is expected to arrive on middle of may after thorough testing of current release candidate.

What is new in Sparky 4.8 RC?

As a member in 4.x series, Sparky 4.8 is also based on Debian 9.x Stretch branch. It includes various package updates from base project and also includes various bug fixes and improved localization support. The main highlights in this release can be summarized as:
  • Complete set of updated packages from Debian Stretch repositories till 11th April 2018.
  • Linux Kernel 4.9.82
  • Calamares installer 3.1.12 which provides option to install OS on encrypted disk.
  • added new option of live system booting which lets you choose a localization (via kernel parameter) and keyboard layout (via a new script)
  • sparky tools which need the root access use pkexec now instead of gksu/gksudo/kdesudo/etc.
  • added packages: xinit (provides startx command) and bleachbit (for cleaning the system)
  • temporary removed gscreenshot and replaced with sparky-screenshot
  • sparky advanced installer features 4 localizations now: Brazilian, English, German and Polish (more translations needed!); fixed removing partitions from the partition list after choosing and used them;

Future plans

The SparkyLinux 4.8 final release is scheduled to release on middle of May 2018. This release will provide a full version with LXDE environment, Minimal GUI edition with OpenBox and a minimal CLI for advanced users.

Get Sparky Linux 4.8 RC

Sparky 4.8 RC images can be downloaded from project's development page or you can also make use of following links.

SparkyLinux 4.8 RC MinimalGUI
32 bit (i686 non-pae)64 bit (x86_64/amd64)
ISO imageISO image
Linux Tracker
Package List
md5/sha sums
ISO size
814 MB811 MB

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