Sabayon 18.05 is available now, brings a user friendly Gentoo experience

The Sabayon Linux team has announced the availability of Sabayon Linux 18.05 final release. This rolling snapshot includes various package updates, thoroughly updated bug fixes and enhancements which is a result of continuous discussions held within the team.

Sabayon 18.05 banner

What is Sabayon Linux?

Sabayon is a Gentoo based GNU/Linux distribution that is oriented towards beginners and advanced users alike. It follows a rolling release model so that, users don't have to worry about the massive system update or reinstallation once the system is installed. The ultimate aim of Sabayon is to provide a simple working environment to the users without additional configurations.

What is new in Sabayon 18.05?

As Sabayon follows a rolling release model, the main purpose of providing a new release to include up-to-date package and save the time and bandwidth required for update process after installation. Towards this goal, Sabayon 18.05 also includes recent package updates from Gentoo world. The main highlights of Sabayon 18.05 release can be listed as:
  • Linux Kernel 4.14. Beginning from this release, Sabayon is planning to provide Long Term Supported (LTS) releases only with the release, so that users can enjoy a more reliable experience.
  • GNOME 3.24
  • KDE 5.12. The team has also dropped support for Qt4 in this release as it has already reached its end of life in 2015.
  • MATE 1.18
  • Xfce 4.12

What are future plans?

It is very difficult for small teams to have a vivid plan and perform operations as per plan. However, Sabayon has listed a few plans after the announcement of 18.05 stable release.
  • Next release will be made available in this year only.
  • Maintain a single display manager across all variations.
  • Replace anaconda installer with Calamares
  • Improve Entropy, the package manager.
  • ..etc
For more information, see Sabayon 18.05 release announcement published on project's website.

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