Netrunner Rolling 2018.01 released with YaRock Music player, Linux Kernel 4.14 and more

The Netrunner team has announced the release of Netrunner Rolling 2018.01, latest stable snapshot of project's Arch based rolling operating system. This release brings various package updates from upstream project and artwork improvements to provide a better user experience.

In addition to package updates from Arch/Manjaro repositories, Netrunner Rolling edition brings YaRock, a Qt based media player that support streaming various internet radio channels. This release also reiterates Discover - The Plasma Software Centre - as default package manager. It provides a user friendly way to install/uninstall packages & update operating system.

A Preview of Netrunner Rolling 2018.01 Desktop

Netrunner Rolling 2018.01 also includes redesigned Plasma Control Centre which provides a sidebar layout to switch between various modules in Control Centre. It makes the Control Centre more accessible and competent with Control Centres in other ecosystems.

Some of the notable package updates in Netrunner Rolling 2018.01 release includes:
  • KDE Plasma 5.11.5
  • KDE Frameworks 5.41
  • KDE Applications 17.12
  • Qt 5.10
  • Linux Kernel 4.14
  • Firefox Quantum 57.0
  • Thunderbird 52.5
  • LibreOffice 5.3
For more information, read Netrunner 2018.01 Rolling Edition release announcement published in projects blog.

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