Lumina Desktop 1.3.0 released with new media player and material icon theme

The Lumina Desktop team has announced release of version 1.3.0, latest stable release of independent, lightweight and simple desktop environment developed by TrueOS project. This release comes with various visual and functional improvements and other under the hood improvements to provide better performance.

Lumina Desktop 1.3.0 comes with a brand new media player, which can play audio and video files present in local and also remote streams. It provides a simple interface with which users can play their media files with minimal distraction.
Media Player in Lumina Desktop (Credit : Lumina project)
The default Oxygen icon theme in Lumina Desktop is replaced by a material inspired icon theme developed by Lumina project itself. It comes both in dark and white variations.

The Insight file manager of Lumina Desktop comes with various performance and visual improvements. One functional improvement is tree view enabled, which facilitate browsing files in very trivial way.

All highlights in Lumina Desktop 1.3.0 can be listed as:
  • New Utility: lumina-mediaplayer. Lumina Media Player is a graphic interface for the Qt QMediaPlayer Class, with Pandora internet radio streaming integration. Lumina Media Player supports many audio formats, including .ogg, .mp3, .mp4, .flac, and .wmv. It is also possible to increase the number of playable formats by installing gstreamer-plugins. This utility is found in the Applications Utilities section, or opened by typing lumina-mediaplayer in a command line.
  • New Utility: lumina-xdg-entry. This is another simple utility designed to help users create .desktop entries and shortcuts. Find it in the Utilities application category, or open it by typing lumina-xdg-entry in a command line.
  • lumina-desktop:
    • Desktop folders are integrated, and can now be manipulated directly from the desktop.
    • Added the automatic settings migration of a desktop monitor (single monitor only, for now).
    • Numerous speed and performance improvements with how icons load and the system interacts with the desktop.
  • lumina-fm:
    • Now fully integrated with lumina-archiver.
    • A “System directory” tree pane is available. Options to enable/disable it are being added later, as it is on by default.
    • Numerous speed improvements with caching and loading icons.
  • lumina-texteditor:
    • There is a new json manifest file format for syntax highlighting support. Users can open this file, customize their highlighting options, and immediately see their changes without rebuilding the utility.
    • The text editor now supports more than 10 different file formats.
    • Added options for file-wide preferences in syntax files. Options include: word wrap, character per line limits, excess whitespace highlighting, font style restrictions, and tab-width settings.
    • lte supports tabs with detach, drag’n’drop, and location customization with the View menu option.
    • Add checkable menu option to show the “unsaved changes” dialogue box on close.
  • lumina-screenshot:
    • Adjustments to the lumina-screenshot interface.
    • Add an adjustable warning to lumina-screenshot when closing with an unsaved image.
    • Add functionality to select a specific area of the screen for screenshots.
  • lumina-archiver:
    • Functionality improvements.
    • Bug fixes.
    • Interface changes.
You can also find original release announcement in Lumina project blog.

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