Elive 2.9.5 beta released with various visual improvments

The Elive Linux team has announced availability of Elive 2.9.5 for testing. This release comes with various design improvements and visual effects planned for next stable release.

A preview of Elive Linux
In addition to visual improvements made on top of enlightenment desktop, there has been multiple usability improvements and bug fixes to make it more reliable and robust for day to day use. In official release announcement, Elive team has summarized these changes.
  • Designs: Great improvements in the designs for the stable release! Overall cleanup, lots of transparent elements, logo animated at start, shadows 3d effect, clock design
  • Unique Features: The borders has now 4 buttons instead of 3, and there’s a hidden one that appears if a window cannot be closed
  • Effects: The visual effects stability is improved specially in the Live mode and there’s a fix for the locked desktop when using it
  • Eltrans: Our translator tool has the counter for translated sentences fixed and there’s a fix in the grammar checker. Please be a translator before the stable release!
  • Extra: you can use ctrl+s in vim to save files now, tagbar feature also recognizes EDC source files which makes them very handy to browse elements!
Original release announcement can be read in Elive Linux website.

Download Elive 2.9.5 beta

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