ROSA Fresh R9 released; It will be supported for 4 years

The ROSA Linux team has announced release of ROSA Fresh R9, first release of Russian GNU/Linux distribution based on package platform 2016.1. This release is mainly targeting users interested in latest packages and technologies. The ROSA Fresh R9 release will be getting 4 years of technical support.

Currently ROSA Fresh R9 is shipped with KDE 4 and Plasma 5 desktop environments. It has also planned to release other community flavors like MATE, LXQt and GNOME in near future.

Some the notable differences between R8 and R9 release can be summarized as:
  • Most of the system libraries, compilers and system/user software were updated to their new/latest versions (glibc, boost, gcc, clang etc)
  • A new additions to the repos were made such as ldc (the D language compiler), meson (an open source powerful build system) and many others.
  • Added the glibc patch drastically boosting the loading speed of the dynamic shared objects (DSO)
  • The Provides QML-generator was added into RPM
  • Some installation issues and Live mode booting issues were fixed (for some systems)
  • Kernel version is 4.9.20 LTS which permits the R9 installation on the latest Intel Skylake machines
  • Some serious issues affecting the hibernation mode for kernel 4.9 on 32-bit systems were fixed
  • Mesa version 17.0.3 with OpenGL support up to version 4.5 and improved performance for video games running on the free video drivers. The support for the new API Vulkan is also included.
  • The proprietary NVidia drivers now use external GLVND libraries which helps the debug process and to avoid some graphical software issues.
  • The proprietary AMD driver AMDGPU PRO was added into ROSA 64-bit repositories (experimental feature)
  • The support for the proprietary driver fglrx was dropped.
  • The input devices in X11 now use libinput
  • The Firefox 32-bit version crash issue on YouTube and some other sites was fixed.
  • The RPM repositories were reorganized, some popular packages were added to the Main repo (darktable, rawtherapee, krita, synfigstudio, LMMS, ardour, librecad, geany, boomaga, sigil, qbittorrent, deluge, smplayer, remmina etc) which means the improved QA quality for those packages from now on during the versions upgrade.
  • Added OpenCL for FFmpeg
You can also read release announcement and release notes published by ROSA Linux team.

Download ROSA Fresh R9 ISO

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