KaOS 2016.11 released with Plasma 5.8.3

The KaOS team has announced release of KaOS 2016.11, latest monthly snapshot of rolling GNU/Linux distribution from US.

Following the motto of the distribution, this snapshot is featuring latest KDE technologies including Frameworks 5.27.0, Plasma 5.8.3, KDE Applications 16.08.2. All these packages are built on top of Qt 5.7.

Major highlights in this release can be summarized as follows:
  • For Plasma 5.8 the used Window Decoration in the Midna theme has been updated to accommodate changes in a Wayland session. Aurorae based decoration cannot be used in Wayland thus this change was needed. You will also find an updated wallpaper selection as part of the artwork changes.
  • The installer now automates setting your location on the world map and has improved system requirements configuration checking.
  • Mesa includes experimental Nouveau patches so QtWebengine based applications and web-browsers can again be used on systems running the Nouveau driver. This fixes a long standing bug going back to the middle of 2015.
  • KaOS uses a First Run Wizard. It will run on the newly installed system and enables with just a few clicks to adjust mouse behavior, menu launcher, desktop theme, used wallpaper, color scheme, widget style, window decoration and virtual desktops used.  
  • Most notable major updates to the base of the system are a Glib2 2.50.1, FFMPEG 3.2, Linux 4.8.6, Systemd 232, Mesa 13.0.0, Gstreamer 1.10.0, Poppler 0.48.0 and MariaDB 10.1.18. Linux 4.8 has included support for many more ATI/Radeon cards to start using the amdgpu driver.
  • KaOS repositories no more provides Qt 4. Qt 4 packages were ruled out from repository, 3 years after stopping active development.
For more details on this release, see release announcement published in official website of KaOS.

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