ReactOS 0.4.4 released with basic printer support

Continuing its journey to be an ideal operating system, the ReactOS project has announced release of ReactOS 0.4.4, fifth release in 3 month evolutionary release cycle started by the project since release of v 0.4.0.

During the past release cycle, significant amount of effort was spent on improving overall stability and usability of operating system so that it will appear more appealing to the end users. Most of these improvements were showcased on FOSDEM convention held at Brussels on 4th and 5th of February.

Another notable highlight of this release is basic support for printers. Currently this supported is very primitive and can only work with parallel port printers. However, it is a good step moving ahead to support all types of printers.

Also, comparing to 0.3.x series there is a lot improvement in applications rendering. The weird misalignment issue with tool bars and icons in applications has been addressed by 0.4.x series. There are still some issues in rendering. However, there overall user experience is improved dramatically.
Today marks the fifth release of the ReactOS 0.4.x series, as well as the fifth following the 3 month release cycle started by 0.4.0 itself. Progress has continued steadily, with a great deal of work going on in the background to improve ReactOS' general usability and stability. Many of these improvements were on display at the FOSDEM convention in Brussels that took place on the 4th and 5th of this month. Certainly one of the more notable albeit less visible additions was the incorporation of basic printing support by Colin Finck. At present ReactOS is only capable of sending print commands to a parallel port printer, but this is the first step towards universal support and Colin should be applauded for his effort.
 You can also read original release announcement in ReactOS blog.

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