Manjaro 17.0 Gellivara Alpha 2 released in KDE & Xfce flavors

Mr Philm - member of Manjaro development team has announced availability of Manjaro 17.0 Alpha 2 for testing. As any other official releases of Manjaro, this release also includes KDE & Xfce flavors.

Beginning from this release, Manjaro is planning to have some minor changes in it's release cycle. These changes includes a revised version system. Previous convention was using the month on which the release is expected. As per new release cycle, the project will release 3 major snapshots with new features. In case of any bug, there will be updated point releases in same series.

The major highlights/plans for Manjaro 17.0 can be summarized as follows:
  • We updated the stock kernel to linux49 4.9 LTS
  • We will update the Xorg-Stack to v1.19 series
  • We will enhance and improve Luks and LVM support in CAL
  • We will enhance and improve our Manjaro Tools & Profiles
  • We will enhance and improve our MHWD and MSM
  • We will update our themes
For more information and discussions on Manjaro 17.0 Alpha 2 Xfce & KDE releases, see separate announcements made in Manjaro forums.

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