Lumina Desktop 1.2.0 released; Prime focus is on enhancements

Celebrating the beginning of new year, the TrueOS developers has announced release of Lumina Desktop 1.2.0, latest updated release of lightweight, fully functional desktop environment for unix like systems.

Past year, 2016 was a eventful year for Lumina Desktop as the first release of project 1.0 was released and an updated bug fixes release 1.1 was released later. 2017 is also expected to be another big year for Lumina as the there are several tasks on queue such implementation of own window manager. The release of v1.2 can be seen as an indication of upcoming events in 2017.

Lumina Desktop 1.2 is mainly focusing on enhancement of current system in terms of bug fixes, performance and stability improvements. It also includes some new plugins and other updated packages. By keeping inline with main focus of minimalism, this release eliminates several unused things.
First, the LuminaUtils library has been completely dismantled and is no longer installed or required as part of the Lumina infrastructure. Instead, the files within the library are broken into small, nearly standalone modules within the source tree so each tool can build or incorporate just the necessary class(es) directly into the utility itself. This results in faster and more stable binaries without the need to load any additional libraries on the system.  Second, we are putting a lot more work into depreciating external utilities and moving toward using the same libraries that Qt itself requires or uses (such as the XCB libraries on X11 systems). This phase is not yet finished, but we are making significant progress and expect to announce a large reduction in runtime dependencies later this year.
For more details, see release announcement published in projects website.

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