Deepin 15.3 released with new file manager, image viewer and revamped terminal

The deepin project has unveiled deepin 15.3, latest stable release of Debian based, elegant, user friendly GNU/Linux distribution developed in China. This release of deepin includes deepin file manager, deepin image viewer and revamped deepin terminal which will provide improved user experience.

The dock used in deepin 15.3 is highly customizable, and it also offers improved wallpaper configuration options. Also, this release is made compatible with high end MI notebook devices which is first footstep of project to enable cross-platform support.

Source : deepin blog
Following section lists some notable highlights of deepin 15.3 release. Further details and demos can be found in official release announcement.
  • New dock and its interface background is more simple and generous. System tray is optimized and its size can be fit with the application contents automatically.
  • The access of wallpaper setting is changed to desktop context menu. Also, real time preview is available for wall papers.
  • Update details can be seen in glance.
  • Introduces new applications like Deepin Terminal 2.0, Deepin Image Viewer and Deepin Calendar
  • Combined power plugin and shutdown button on dock
  • Optimized network, sound, mounting and other plugins are available for dock
  • Improved system tray management
  • Fixed the issue in network module that new users are required to identify when logging in to use network
  • Fixed the issue that desktop file location is reset after rebooting
For more details, see release announcement published in projects blog.

Download deepin 15.3 ISO

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