Linux Mint 18 : A clear lead over it's parent

Latest issue of distrowatch weekly(11th July 2016) features a review of Linux Mint 18 as cover story. Linux Mint 18 is latest stable release of Ubuntu LTS based GNU/Linux distribution that offers classic user experience and also, it is highest ranked GNU/Linux distribution in disrowatch's database for last few years.

The review published in distrowatch weekly observes that, the biggest advantage of Linux Mint is it's ability to provide familiar and traditional user experience and a stable operating system using same packages as it's parent. This makes Linux Mint most discussed and explored operating system.

The Linux Mint project has been sitting at the top of our page hit ranking statistics for quite some time now. The project attracts a lot of attention, particularly from Linux newcomers who are looking for a familiar and friendly computing experience. The main edition of Linux Mint is based on the Ubuntu distribution with the latest release, Linux Mint 18, using Ubuntu 16.04 as a package base.

Linux Mint 18 is a long term support release and will receive security updates through to the year 2021. The project's release notes (Cinnamon, MATE) mention several new features. Some of the key items mentioned in the distribution's documentation include the introduction of the Cinnamon 3 desktop environment, updated themes and support for the Btr file system. The documentation mentions Mint supports booting on UEFI-enabled computers, but does not work with Secure Boot. Personal Package Archive (PPA) repositories can be added and removed from the command line as well as through the project's graphical repository manager. 
Read complete review in distrowatch weekly.

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