Porteus 3.2 RC3 is available for testing

The Porteus developers has announced availability of Porteus 3.2 RC3, third development release for upcoming stable Porteus 3.2, for testing. Porteus is Slackware/Salix based live cd distribution that comes in 4 different flavors.

Porteus 3.2 RC3 is coming with some updated packages and few bug fixes. One of the major highlight of this release candidate is Linux Kernel 4.6.1.

We are jubilant to announce the release of the next lightweight portable Porteus-v3.2rc3. This release includes a move to the 4.6.1 kernel, various minor bug fixes and package upgrades from rc2. You can download the 32bit or 64bit ISO files now. A full ChangeLog and any bug reports can be found here along with some basic instructions of added scripts. Thank you to our testers, you have done a great job and a special thanks to all donators. These donations will ensure the continued development of Porteus. You can make a donation here. Every little bit helps.
A brief release announcement for Porteus 3.2 RC3 is available in Porteus forum.

Download Porteus 3.2 RC3

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