Multiple GNU/Linux distributions collaborates on snap development

Today (14th June 2016), developers representing different GNU/Linux distributions and companies announced their plan to collaborate on 'snap', a new universal packaging format for GNU/Linux distributions which will enable a single binary package to work on any GNU/Linux platform, say, desktop, server, cloud or any other embedded system without compromising security and user experience.

Snap can work on any GNU/Linux distribution. It faster, portable, easy to manage and can be easily updated. It can have it's own dependencies packed with it without depending on underlying operating system.

Currently, a collaborative community is working at, to make the concept more usable and to bring more and more applications in this format so that entire community can benefit in long run. Different open source organizations and hardware manufactures have joined their hands to take snap forward. This includes Dell, Samsung, Linux Foundation, Document Foundation, Krita, Horizon Computing, Arch, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Ubuntu and more.

Snaps now work natively on Arch, Debian, Fedora, Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, Ubuntu Kylin, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Unity, and Xubuntu. They are currently being validated on CentOS, Elementary, Gentoo, Mint, OpenSUSE, OpenWrt and RHEL, and are easy to enable on other Linux distributions.

Together, these distributions represent the vast majority of common Linux usage on the desktop, server and cloud. A snap package is easy to create and offers significant security benefits, greatly simplifying third-party Linux app distribution.
A news on collaboration of different organization is published in Ubuntu Insights portal.

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