FreeBSD 11.0 Alpha 4 is available now

Marking the beginning of another FreeBSD branch, FreeBSD team has announced availability of FreeBSD 11.0 Alpha 4 for testing. This is first officially announced development release in upcoming FreeBSD 11.0 series. FreeBSD is a Unix like operating system that can work on different platforms ranging from small embedded systems to big servers and cloud computing platforms.

Being a development release, FreeBSD team is giving a fair warning on using currently released snapshot on production systems. At the same time, FreeBSD team encourages to use it on non-production systems to serve purpose of testing. More the testing better will be final release.

A release announcement of FreeBSD 11.0 Alpha 4 is available in FreeBSD development mailing list.
New FreeBSD development branch installation ISOs and virtual machine disk images have been uploaded to the FTP mirrors.  (Note: The build date is wrong, these were built on 20160610.)  As with any development branch, the installation snapshots are not intended for use on production systems.  We do, however, encourage testing on non-production systems as much as possible.  Please also consider installing the sysutils/panicmail port, which can help in providing FreeBSD developers the necessary information regarding system crashes.

Download FreeBSD 11.0 Alpha 4

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