SparkyLinux 4.3 'Tyche' released with linux kernel 4.5.1

SparkyLinux team has announced release of SparkyLinux 4.3, latest update of Debian unstable based, user friendly operating system that comes in 3 different flavors. This release will be known by the code name 'Tyche'.

Sparky Home editions are full featured operating systems with 5 different desktop environments to choose from. These desktop environments includes LXDE, LXQt, KDE, MATE and Xfce. 'Base Openbox' and 'CLI' editions are now renamed to Minimal GUI and Minimal CLI editions and they comes with advanced installer which will help to install a minimal base system with desktop environment or window manager of your choice.

Following are some notable changes introduced in SparkyLinux 4.3:
  • full system upgrade as of April 24, 2016
  • Linux kernel 4.5.1
  • Iceweasel web browser replaced by Firefox
  • Turpial microblogging client replaced by Corebird
  • APTus 0.3.x with an option of installation a set of pre-configured desktops: 
  • Ceni network manager changed by Network Manager in the CLI edition; the manual network configuration can be done via the ‘nmtui’ command
  • openjdk and icedtea-plugin updated to version 8.x
  • LibreOffice 5.1.2
  • gstreamer0.10 completely removed, the system uses only gstreamer1.0 now
  • Exaile audio player (based on gstreamer0.10) replaced by Audacious
  • Gnome-Screenshot changed by Gscreenshot
  • all the iso images are signed with the GPG key, check how to verify Sparky images: 
Read original release announcement in SparkyLinux blog.

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