Building a proximity sensor using ARDUINO Board

Arduino is an open source electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and software. The arduino board is capable of sensing it's surrounding using different sensors and it can responds to inputs in different ways through actuators, lights, controlling motors ..etc.

The Linux Voice magazine has published a tutorial for building a proximity sensor using Arduino board.

In the world of hobbyist electronics there are two big names: the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino. And while the Raspberry Pi has the largest share of the spotlight we should not forget the Arduino, which was the board to launch the Internet of Things back in the mid 2000s.

The Arduino is a small microcontroller board created in Italy to enable a low-cost method for artists to use electronics. The Arduino comes as a hardware platform with an accompanying software application used to program the board. Thanks to the Arduino there has been a big change to the programming landscape, with the barrier to physical computing projects such as home automation and robotics being broken down by this cheap and flexible platform. 

Read complete tutorial in Linux Voice portal.

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