Manjaro Linux 15.09 - Arch Linux for Mortals

Manjaro team is currently working on their latest release and they have already rolled out 3 release candidates.

A review written by Mr J.A Watson evaluates Manjaro as a powerful Arch based distribution. He also observes Manjaro's stable updates, which is mostly released in every weeks, as a good highlight.

It has now become one of my standard distributions which I install on every system I own, along with openSuSE, Fedora, Debian and Mint. What sets Manjaro apart in this group is the speed of incorporation of updates and new releases, both in the Linux kernel and core system itself, and in other packages, applications and utilities.Take the Linux kernel, for example. This screen shot shows the kernels which are available in the Manjaro 15.09 rc2 Release Candidate. That's nine different versions, ranging from 3.10 LTS all the way through the recently released 4.2.0, and I am quite sure that the 4.3 RC versions will start showing up in Manjaro soon.
For reading complete article see here.

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