Converting Respberry Pi into a Portable Streaming Camera

The Raspberry Pi has a got a wide popularity due to it's ability to turn into a wide range of devices. It's high flexibility and portability also contributes to it's value.

A tutorial written by Mr Anderson Silva of Red Hat, published in explains how to convert a Raspberry Pi device to a portable streaming camera.
Last month I decided to kick off a new Raspberry Pi project, since it's been a bit too long since my last few (See: Christmas lights and Musicbox). For a few months now, I've been wanting to play around with a Raspberry Pi Touchscreen, and I've been meaning to buy the Pi Camera as well. I went ahead and ordered them both from Adafruit. (I went with the 3.5" PiTFT touchscreen.) Once they arrived, I started to do some reading online on how to get them installed. The PiTFT requires you to customize your Raspbian install a bit, but the directions were pretty straightforward and I only had a couple of issues. First, I didn't have the screen seated well enough on the GPIO pins and it didn't turn on. The other one was a bit more complicated.

Check here to read complete tutorial.

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