Manjaro XFCE 15.09 RC3 Released

The Manjaro team announced release of Manjaro XFCE 15.09 RC3, development release of upcoming stable Manjaro distribution which is well known for it's powerful Arch base and user friendly interface. By this release, Manjaro team is focusing their main attention on common core, which will benefit wide user base of Manjaro.

According to official release announcement:
We ship Xfce 4.12 with this release of Manjaro. We mainly focused on polishing the user experience on the desktop and window manager, and on updating some components to take advantage of newly available technologies. The Linux kernel used on the 15.09 installation media is the 4.1 (LTS) series. This series of kernel has been selected for its blend of stability, long-term viability, and modern features and hardware support. Both our graphical installer Thus (default graphical installer) and the CLI installer have been thoroughly tested to meet a huge variety of system and encryption environments. Additionally we added Calamares as an alternative graphical installer to try out. 
For more information, see official release announcement here.

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