TrueOS STABLE update 2017.04.24 is available now

The TrueOS (formerly PC-BSD) team has announced availability of a new TrueOS STABLE update, latest snapshot for desktop oriented BSD distribution featuring a in house made desktop environment called Lumina Desktop. This update is announced after reasonable testing of UNSTABLE branch over last weekend.

Existing users of TrueOS can enjoy all updated packages and enhancements by regular means of system update. While, the project also ships a fresh installation media for people who prefer a fresh installation. Beginning from this release, TrueOS won't be providing separate installation media for server and desktop editions. Instead it will provide a unified installer which can serve both purposes.

Some of the notable highlights of TrueOS 2017.04.24 update can be summarized as:
  • There is now a single TrueOS install image. You can still choose to install as either a server or desktop, but both options live in a single install image now. This image is still available as either an .iso or .img file. Additionally, we’ve streamlined the installer
  • TrueOS installation image is now smaller and compact. The developers are looking into making it more small by removing unnecessary Linux libraries and other packages.
  • Qpdfview now preinstalls for pdf viewing.
  • We’ve added a slideshow during the installation with tips and screenshots.
  • Nvidia/graphics driver detection fixes.
  • Boot environment listing fix (FreeBSD boot-loader only)
  • Virtual box issues fixed on most systems. There appears to be a regression in VirtualBox 5.1 with some hardware.
  • New icon themes for Lumina (Preferences -> Appearance -> Theme).
  • We removed the legacy pc-diskmanager.
You can read release announcement in TrueOS blog.

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