Lumina Desktop 0.8.3 Released

PC-BSD Developers announced release of Lumina Desktop 0.8.3, a lightweight, XDG-compliant Desktop environment specifically designed for PC-BSD, FreeBSD systems.

From Release Announcement:
The next version of the Lumina Desktop Environment has just been released. This is mainly a bugfix release to correct an urgent issue with the system tray on FreeBSD 11, but there are a number of other slight improvements/updates included as well. The full list of changes is included at the bottom of this announcement.
Following are notable changes in new release of Lumina Desktop.
  • New Panel Plugin: “Application Launcher“
    • This allows the user to pin the shortcut for an application directly to a panel.
  • New Utility: “lumina-xconfig“
    • This utility allows the user to easily enable/disable additional monitors/screens within the desktop session.
  • Fix the issue with transparent system tray icons on FreeBSD 11
  • Add support for the XDG autostart specifications.

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