GhostBSD 11.1 Alpha 1 released in MATE & Xfce flavors

Mr Eric Turgeon of GhostBSD project has announced availability of GhostBSD 11.1 Alpha 1 for testing. This is first development release prior to upcoming stable GhostBSD 11.1 release. It is available in both MATE and Xfce flavors for i386 and x86_64 architectures.

When sharing a development release with community, GhostBSD is expecting some volunteers to step in for testing the installation image. So that the final release can be made more reliable and robust by incorporating as many bugs as possible.

GhostBSD 10.1 MATE Desktop (Courtesy : Wikipedia)
GhostBSD 11.1 Alpha 1 release comes with some feature updates and fixes for various bugs. It can be summed up as follows:
  • A self hosted repository for GhostBSD
  • Updated packages
  • Whisker Menu as default Application menu of XFCE
  • Various fixes associated with:
  • XFCE and MATE live-session shutdown/suspend/hibernate
  • xf86-video-intel
  • MATE desktop fails on initial boot for install/li>
  • Clicking 'GhostBSD Bugs' item in the Main menu -> 'System Tools' brings up 'Server not found' page
  • XFCE installation - incorrect keyboard layout
  • ZFS setup appears to be incomplete
For more information, see original release announcement published in GhostBSD blog.

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