Deepin has increased number of mirrors around the globe to increase availability

Addressing the issue of slower download speed, Deepin project has added several mirror sites across the world. This will help the project to provide better download speed and ensure higher availability.

Despite of consistent and eye candy look and feel and reliable user experience, people used to underrate deepin owing to it's slow download speed both for installation image download and system update operations. This problem is now addressed by providing more number of mirrors on different parts of the world. These mirrors also includes, Linux Kernel mirror service. Deepin is the first Chinese GNU/Linux distribution to land on this mirror service.

Currently, mirror states are present in 7 in countries which includes United States, China, Russia, Japan ..etc. Users can choose from these mirrors based on their location. Following are mirror sites available at the moment.
The United States —
The United States — Silicon Valley Web Hosting LLC
Russian — Truenetwork
Japan — JAIST
Portugal — University of Porto
Sweden — Zetup AB
China — Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Read original news in deepin blog.

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