Antergos makes Arch accessible for the mass

Despite of of being a solid and rolling distribution, Arch GNU/Linux is often considered as not-a-beginner-friendly distribution. Since Arch Linux leaves a lot of options and choices to the end users, it is not attractive for the mass who just want to make their system as early as possible.

Antergos, one of the derivative of Arch has done a remarkable change job in converting Arch like a sweet candy for beginners. The Linux.Com portal has recently reviewed Antergos and it appreciates the effort of developers for turning Arch Linux into a easily installable and readily working operating system.

A preview of Antergos (Courtesy : Distroscreens)
The bulk of the installation is really nothing new. It’s incredibly simple (as we have come to know and love with most Linux distributions), and it’s about as streamlined as an operating system installation can get. During the installation, however, the user is given a couple of very interesting choices (one of which takes me back about 15 years). The first choice (the one that hearkens back to the earlier days of Linux), gives the user a choice of which desktop environment they’d like to use. The choices are (Figure 1) Base (console only), Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE, Openbox, and Xfce).
For complete review, see original post published in portal.

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