Manjaro 16.10 community edition released; Includes Cinnamon, MATE, GNOME and Budgie Editions

The Manjaro community has announced availability of 4 community editions in a row. Manjaro community editions are community contributed GNU/Linux flavors built on top of Manjaro Core.

Manjaro 16.10.2 Cinnamon edition ships complete stack of X-Apps, an independent stack applications developed by Linux Mint team. These applications includes text editor xed, document viewer xreader, image-browser pix, picture viewer xviewer and media-player xplayer.Also Manjaro settings manager with it's kernel notification settings has been integrated with cinnamon control panel.

Manjaro 16.10.x MATE comes in two different flavors. One standard edition and a core edition. The standard edition includes applications like VLC, steam, Thunderbird, LibreOffice ..etc.

Manjaro 16.10 GNOME editions comes with several customizations over vanilla GNOME desktop. It includes a colorful theme and other tweaks. In addition to standard GNOME applications, it ships some command line applications like MC(Midnight Commander), pacli ..etc.

Manjaro 16.10 Budgie Edition, community edition of Manjaro featuring elegant, traditional, full featured budgie desktop comes with latest budgie desktop 10.2.8 which includes several new applets and improvements.
For more information and screenshots of these releases, see release announcement published in Manjaro blog and discussions in Manjaro community flavors.

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