Rockstor 3.8-13 released with bug fixes and refinements

The Rockstor project announced availability of Rockstor 3.8-13, latest updated version of open source GNU/Linux distribution which serves as a storage operating system. Rockstor is powered by BTRFS file system and it allows to create cloud hosting service with less efforts.

Rockstor 3.18-13 fixes 23 bugs of different severity which includes adding support for Network Teaming and Bonding, and advanced S.M.A.R.T management support.

There were several fixes and enhancements as well, following the established trend of our updates. All this is possible, thanks to a strong and growing community. We welcomed two new contributors in this cycle, @MFlyer and @ScarabMonkey. A total of five contributors collaborated to bring you this release. Also, as always, thanks to subscribers for supporting our effort. We are delighted to bring you this update.

3.8-13 release cycle was fun, and made substantial with high participation, both by regular and new community members. We are evolving and reinforcing our iterative development habit with every release, which means a lot of short term improvements and sustained long term work along with new features. We were able to react to bugs faster in this cycle thanks to active users who are quick to report and in some cases, document the fix or even open a pull request. I regret not getting to a couple of pull requests still pending review, which I am looking forward to next!
Read original release announcement in Rockstor blog.

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