OpenMandriva Lx3 Beta 1 released

The OpenMandriva project announced release of OpenMandriva Lx3 beta 1, first beta release of upcoming stable OpenMandriva distribution. OpenMandriva Lx is a community developed GNU/Linux distribution which was initially forked from ROSA linux. There core values of OpenMandriva community includes development, equality, co-operation, openness, freedom, group achievement, independence, and solidarity.

This BETA1 release is the culmination of over a years effort and offers features that set it at the leading edge of software technology. The use of the Clang/llvm compiler to generate the majority of the code combined with Link Time Optimisation (LTO) has created and operating system that is fast stable and efficient.

The release features the latest KDE Plasma 5.6 based desktop along with full KF5 framework of apps which are supported by version 1.18.2 of the Xorg server and Mesa 11.2. KDE Plasma 5 now runs under the Wayland graphical server which offers smooth and fast graphical rendering. This configuration is experimental.
See original release announcement in OpenMandriva website.

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