OpenSourceFeed : Weekly News Feed 33

Top 3 IDE's for Python
12/05/2015 10:16 PM

Python is one of the fastest growing scripting language. It has influence in a wide range fields including desktop applications, web applications, cloud services ..etc. Also, it is known fact that, IDE's ie, Integrated Development Environments will boost productivity significantly. The OpenSource portal has published an article that gives a brief description of 3 popular IDEs for python.

Robolinux 8.3 MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon and LXDE Raptors Released
12/05/2015 10:01 PM

The Robolinux project announced availability of Robolinux 8.3, latest stable release of Debian based GNU/Linux distribution offering better virtualization environment. This release applicable for MATE, XFCE, Cinnamon and LXDE flavors. According to release announcement, following are some highlights of this release. Spotify: Music streaming, podcast and video service  Photo Filmstrip:

Linux Mint 17.3 'Rosa' Cinnamon/MATE Released
12/05/2015 07:03 PM

After a few days of uncertainty and down time, Linux Mint team announced release of Linux Mint 17.3 'Rosa', latest update of Linux Mint 17.x series based on Ubuntu 14.04.x series. Linux Mint 17.3 MATE Desktop Linux Mint 17.3 Cinnamon Desktop Since Linux Mint 17.3 is based on Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS, it will continue to provide support till 2019 and after that, users may migrate to next LTS

Daily ISO 0.201549.3.0 is Available for Solus OS
12/04/2015 10:09 PM

The Solus OS team announced availability of Solus OS 0.201549.3.0, latest development release of independently evolving GNU/Linux distribution, featuring lightweight budgie as default desktop environment. From official announcement: The Solus Project is happy to announce the release of a new Daily ISO, 0.201549.3.0. The Solus Project now uses GDM instead of LightDM. The Solus Project now

Building a proximity sensor using ARDUINO Board
12/04/2015 09:33 PM

Arduino is an open source electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and software. The arduino board is capable of sensing it's surrounding using different sensors and it can responds to inputs in different ways through actuators, lights, controlling motors ..etc. The Linux Voice magazine has published a tutorial for building a proximity sensor using Arduino board. In the world

Linux Mint Website is Back
12/04/2015 09:21 PM

Linux Mint website is back after a few days of down time. Through official blog, linux mint team announced that, server was down due to some unexpected hardware issues. This hardware issues also caused significant data loss. From official announcement regarding website downtime. I would like to apologize for keeping you in the dark. You probably noticed our website and forums were down

Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 - The perfect Linux desktop distribution : Review
12/03/2015 08:31 PM

The techrepublic portal has published a review of recently released Ubuntu MATE 15.10. This review observes that Ubuntu GNOME is a perfect GNU/Linux distribution for desktops. For the longest time I'd been heralding Ubuntu and it's Unity desktop as one of the best Linux distributions. I liked Unity...a lot. The design was beautiful, and workflow about as efficient as you would ever find

New Update is Available for Raspbian
12/03/2015 08:17 PM

The Raspbian team official announced availability of updated image for Raspbian operating system, a debian based distribution targeting Raspberry Pi devices. One of the important feature of this update is support for Pi Zero. From official release announcement: IBM’s Node-RED Internet Of Things application is now included – this allows you to rapidly create IoT applications by connecting

Fedora 23 - Skip if you want stability, stay to try Linux’s bleeding edge : Review
12/02/2015 10:12 PM

The arstechnica portal has published a review of recently released Fedora 23. The reviewer concludes that Fedora 23 is not a distribution recommended for stability, however, dnf utility with rollback feature will make things better. Two releases ago, Fedora 21 introduced its namesake project's "Fedora Next" plan. The goal was simple—bring the massive, sprawling entity that is Fedora into

Sabayon 15.11 KDE: hot, hotter and burnt : Review
12/02/2015 09:39 PM

The darkduck's linux blog has published a review of recently released Sabayon 15.11 KDE. The reviewer has a mixed response over Sabayon 15.11 KDE. In this review he is presenting both positive and negative impacts of Sabayon 15.11. Sabayon is a distribution not famous among the majority of Linux fans, although it still has a decent army of followers. It is in the Top 30 of distributions,

Q4OS 1.4.4 Orion Released
12/02/2015 09:29 PM

The Q4OS team announced release of Q4OS 1.4.4, latest maintenance release of Q4OS 1.4.x series. Q4OS is a fast and powerful operating system based on the latest technologies while offering highly productive desktop environment. From release announcement: The new Q4OS release ships with brand new update notifier and manager, as well as several different improvements. Update notifier pops

A Review of Chakra Linux 2015.11 'Fermi' Review
12/01/2015 09:20 PM

The EverydayLinux portal has published a review of recently released Chakra Linux 2015.11 'Fermi'. Chakra is an Arch based rolling GNU/Linux distribution featuring KDE as default desktop. Chakra Linux shares a lot of similarities with Arch Linux although it isn't based on it and the packages are not compatible between the two systems. I tend to steer clear of Arch Linux on this site

Porteus Kiosk 3.6.0 Released
12/01/2015 09:13 PM

The Porteus development team announced release of Porteus Kiosk 3.6.0, latest update of independently developed GNU/Linux distribution targeting embedded systems like ATM machines, automated ticket counters ..etc. According to official release announcement, following are some features introduced in this release. Implemented support for associating the kiosk clients with Porteus Kiosk

MakuluLinux Aero Edition Released
11/30/2015 10:59 PM

The MakuluLinux team announced release of MakuluLinux Aero Edition, a windows aero inspired operating system built over Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS. This will provide users familiar user interface of windows combined with powerful linux base. From official release announcement: The MakuluLinux Aero Edition is now Live and available for download. It has been a long wait and an even longer journey to

What Can Be A Perfect GNU/Linux distribution?
11/30/2015 10:47 PM

There is a wide variety of GNU/Linux distribution. Each of them have specific features, look and feel and purpose. The term perfect GNU/Linux distribution is some what relative. It will change from person to person. Mr Bryan Lunduke is sharing his views about a perfect GNU/Linux distribution network portal. As I review one Linux distribution or another, I find myself uttering phrases like

Top 10 Operating Systems for Ethical Hackers and Security Researchers
11/30/2015 10:40 PM

There are hundreds of operating systems are around. Some of them are oriented towards specific goals, while others are general purpose operating systems. The techworm portal has published a comprehensive list of 10 popular systems recommended for Ethical hackers and Security Researchers. This time it is about operating systems, which have almost every necessary tool provided within. But

GIMP 2.9.2 Released
11/29/2015 11:20 PM

The GIMP(GNU Image Manipulation Program) team announced release of GIMP 2.9.2, first development release GIMP 2.9.x series. GIMP is one of the popular open source image editing suite. From release announcement: We are excited to announce the first development release of GIMP in the 2.9.x series. It is another major milestone towards making GIMP a state-of-the art image editing application

Fedora 23 Workstation Review
11/29/2015 03:19 PM

Mr Sayak Bishwas, one young blogger from India, has published a review of recently released Fedora 23 workstation. The reviewer observes Fedora 23 as a well working distribution. And also in his opinion, Fedora 23 is the most polished Fedora distribution he has used. Fedora was the first Linux distribution that I ever used; Fedora 7 it was, I believe. I was in the first year of college and

Fedora 23 : An Impressive Release
11/29/2015 03:01 PM

The portal has published a small review of recently released Fedora 23. This review remarks Fedora 23 as an impressive release and also observes that, Fedora is continuing it's journey as a leader and innovator in open source world. Fedora has a special place in my heart and life: It was the first Linux-based operating system that I ever used. But that's not the only reason it's

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