4MLinux 12.0 All-In-One Edition BETA Released

4M GNU/Linux developers announced release 4MLinux 12.0 All-In-One Edition Beta. This release was just after release of 4MLinux 12.0 Beta, and 4MLinux 12.0 Core.

From Release Announcement:
This release has the same features as the basic version of 4MLinux, but it also includes 4MLinux Printing Suite (CUPS 2.0.2, SANE 1.0.24, Xpdf 3.0.4, Ghostscript 9.15) and 4MLinux QtPack (Qt 4.8.6 and 5.4.0, QupZilla Git-2014-02-18, SMplayer r6737). Improved support for YouTube videos (via SMTube SVN r6737 with mpv 0.8.0 and youtube-dl 2015.02.21) is also included. Fully automatic installation of Wine  1.7.38 (with WinSCP 5.7.0 and 7-Zip 9.38) is supported, too. The size of the ISO image is about 152 MB.

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