Fedora 23 - Skip if you want stability, stay to try Linux’s bleeding edge : Review

The arstechnica portal has published a review of recently released Fedora 23. The reviewer concludes that Fedora 23 is not a distribution recommended for stability, however, dnf utility with rollback feature will make things better.

Two releases ago, Fedora 21 introduced its namesake project's "Fedora Next" plan. The goal was simple—bring the massive, sprawling entity that is Fedora into some neatly organized categories that would clearly define the project's aims. And since Next launched, Fedora has been busy doing just that. The results are impressive, and it feels like the distro has found a renewed sense of purpose.

For the recently unveiled Fedora 23, these Environments consist of Workstation (Desktop), Server, and Cloud. It's the same Environment trio that Fedora offered in its two prior releases. While Cloud still has the feel of an also-ran, the Workstation and Server releases see quite a few new packages. That's especially true for the GNOME-based Workstation, and luckily the changes are largely welcome.

Read complete review in arstechnica portal.

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