Chakra GNU/Linux developers announced release of Chakra 2015.11-Fermi, latest milestone of Arch based GNU/Linux distribution that comes with powerful KDE desktop and Qt framework.
Chakra 2015.11-Fermi comes with some notable changes which includes following:
Chakra 2015.11-Fermi comes with some notable changes which includes following:
For more information and details, see complete release announcement.Calamares a new modern installer which is actively developed, has replaced Tribe, which has served Chakra well over the years but it was becoming very outdated.
A new repository structure, which inludes changes aiming at simplifying things for both developers and users. All our stable repositories, including 'gtk', are now enabled by default.
A new display manager, SDDM, which is very well integrated with Plasma 5.
New artwork, codenamed 'Heritage' , which is a fork of the very successful Caledonia artwork, together with new wallpapers.