5 Things I hate and love in GNU/Linux

There will be thousands of reasons for people to hate and love GNU/Linux. Some features of GNU/Linux may appear good for some people, and same things may appear bad for others. An article written by Gabriel Canepa lists 5 reasons for him to hate and love GNU/Linux distributions.

For that reason, I have chosen to NOT use the word hate here which I do not feel entirely comfortable with and have decided to replace it with dislike instead.

That said, please keep in mind that the opinions in this article are entirely mine and are based on my personal experience, which may or may not be similar to other people’s.

In addition, I am aware that when these so-called dislikes are considered in the light of experience, they become the actual strengths of Linux. However, these facts often discourage new users as they make the transition.
Read complete article in tecmint portal.

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