LXLE 14.04.2 and LXLE 12.04.5 Released

LXLE team announced availability of LXLE 14.04.2, and LXLE 12.04.5, the latest updates to LXLE 14.04 LTS and LXLE 12.04 series respectively.

From Release Announcement:
The next incremental update of LXLE has been released, ticking it up to 14.04.2 along with the last 32bit version of LXLE ever, which is based on 12.04.5. The 32bit closely mirrors the changes to the latest 64bit edition of the OS.

As announced in our beta release LXLE now sports a highly customized version of the SeaMonkey Internet Suite. A fairly lengthy article was written on why this decision was made and that it wasn't something taken lightly. To add to that the other underlying reason was we wanted the distribution to showcase an excellent community driven browser to help spur support and perhaps encourage developers to join the project and lend a hand to the overworked small team of Mozilla volunteers still moving forward with Netscape's original suite idea. We understand it will be more challenging to provide support to our users and keep up on our modifications to the browser but we think overall it's very worth it, both for users and the continued development of the project itself. The extended effort just feels like the right move.

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