Manjaro Cinnamon 17.0.4 released

The Manjaro community has announced release of Manjaro Cinnamon 17.0.4, latest stable release of popular Manjaro community flavor featuring Cinnamon desktop environment. This release of Manjaro Cinnamon brings Cinnamon Desktop 3.4.6, latest stable releases of XApps and other applications required to deliver stock Cinnamon experience.

Manjaro Cinnamon 17.0.4 being an updated snapshot of a rolling distribution, does not force existing users for a fresh installation. Instead, a contineous update is possible from existing installations.

In addition to updated packages from Manjaro core and community repositories, Manjaro Cinnamon 17.0.4 brings complete applications from X-apps stack with latest versions of pix, xed, xplayer, xreader and xviewer. It also inlcudes applications like Cinnamon sounds, lightdm-slick-greeter and also file manager nemo includes a bulk renaming option.

Following are some widely used applications packed with Manjaro 17.0.4 Cinnamon release:
  • Firefox 55.0.3
  • Thunderbird 52.3.0
  • Libreoffice 5.4.1
  • Gimp 2.8.22
  • Transmission-gtk 2.92
  • Gnome-system-monitor
  • Pamac package manager version 5.1.1
  • Manjaro-printer
  • Calamares 3.1.4
  • Manjaro Architect 0.9.2
For more information and related discussions see original release announcement and forum discussions respectively.

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