KaOS 2017.09 snapshot released with latest Nomad-firewall

The KaOS team has announced availability of KaOS 2017.09, latest stable snapshot of independently developed rolling GNU/Linux distribution. Along with several package updates, KaOS 2017.09 also brings latest release of Nomad-firewall. It has been a while since last update of Nomad firewall. Finally, it is migrated to Qt5 frameworks and latest release is included in KaOS 2017.09 snapshot.

A preview of Krita 3.2 in KaOS 2017.09 (Courtesy : Original release announcement)
One of the biggest highlight in KaOS 2017.09 snapshot is migration of kernel to the hardened patch set which provides an improved implementation of Address Space Layout Randomization for userspace processes. This was required due to discontinuation of grsecurity as an open source project.

Other updates in KaOS 2017.09 includes:
  • Latest updates from Plasma desktop which includes Frameworks 5.37.0, Plasma 5.10.5, KDE Applications 17.08.0 & not yet released ports of KDE Applications. All built on Qt 5.9.1. New is the addition of preview plugins to Kate/Kwrite (also usable in KDevelop), which when enabled turns Kate into full fledged Markdown editor.
  • Updated versions of Nomad, Kooka, Krita 3.2
  • A change in how printer packages are packaged makes it that now most printers are automatically recognized and setup, no need any longer to run any print wizard. This counts for both Live mode and installed system.
  • Mesa includes experimental Nouveau patches so QtWebengine based applications and web browsers can again be used on systems running the Nouveau driver. This fixes a long standing bug going back to the middle of 2015.
For more detailed information on updates, see original release announcement in KaOS blog.

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