Netrunner Rolling 2017.07 snapshot is available now

The Netrunner community has announced availability of an update snapshot for Netrunner Rolling edition. Indicating the year and month of release, this snapshot will be identified by the version number 2017.07.

Netrunner Rolling Edition is based on Arch/Manjaro and features a simplified Plasma Desktop environment. It has been almost 18 months since release of previous Netrunner Rolling Edition. For a rolling operating system, it is not necessary to publish snapshots in every while. However, it will help the new comers to get a recent set of applications without spending a lot of bandwidth for system update.

SMPlayer in Netrunner Rolling 2017.07 (Credit : Netrunner blog)
The major differences in Netrunner 2017.07 comparing to previous rolling snapshot, ie, Netrunner 2016.01 can be summarized as:
  • KDE Plasma 5.10.3, KDE Frameworks 5.35, KDE Applications 17.04.2, and Qt5.9.0
  • Linux Kernel 4.11.8
  • Firefox 54.0.1
  • Thunderbird 52.2.1
  • LibreOffice 5.2.7
  • Just like Debian based release, rolling release also features SMPlayer
  • SUSE Image Writer is replaced by KDE Neon's image writer.
Despite of being a rolling release, Netrunner team recommends to install a fresh copy of OS rather than updating existing system, which is not what we expect from a rolling release.

For more information and screenshots of Netrunner 2017.07, see release announcement prepared by Netrunner team.

Download Netrunner 2017.07 (2.3 GB | 64 BIT)

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